Friday, May 27, 2011


Gmail is one of the major webmail service provider across the globe. But as we all know Gmail still carries that 4 letter word BETA. Sometimes we may wonder, why Gmail is still in the testing stage even after years of it’s emergence. Here is one small reason for that
Gmail follows a strict rule that doesn’t allow it’s users to have their first or the last name contain the term Gmail or Google.
That is, while signing up for a new Gmail account the users cannot choose a first or last name that contains the term Gmail or Google. You can see this from the below snapshot

This rule is implemented by Gmail for obvious reasons, because if the users are allowed to keep their first or the last name that contains the term Gmail or Google, then it is possible to easily impersonate the identity of Gmail (or Gmail Team) and engage themselves in phising or social engineering attacks on the innocent users. This can be done by simply choosing the first and last name with the following combinations.

First Name                  Last Name

Google                         Team
Gmail                           Team
Gmail                           Password Assistance

From the above snapshot we can see that, Gmail has made a good move in stopping the users from abusing it’s services. However this move isn’t just enough to prevent the hackers or malicious users from impersonating the Gmail’s identity.
Because Gmail has a small vulnerability that can be exploited so that the users can still have their name contain the terms Gmail or Google. You may wonder how to do this. But it’s very simple.

1. Login to your Gmail account and click on Settings.
2. Select Accounts tab
3. Click on edit info
4. In the Name field, select the second radio button and enter the name of your choice. Click on Save Changes and you’re done!
Now, Gmail accepts any name even if it contains the term Google or Gmail. You can see from the below snapshot.

Allowing the users to have their names contain the terms Gmail or Google is a serious vulnerability even though it doesn’t seem to be a major one.
This is because a hacker or a malicious attacker can easily exploit this flaw and send phishing emails to other Gmail users asking for sensitive information such as their passwords.
Most of the users don’t even hesitate to send their passwords since they believe that they are sending it to Gmail Team (or someone authorized). But in reality they are sending it to an attacker who uses these information to seek personal benefits.
So the bottomline is, if you get any emails that appears to have come from the Gmail Team or similar, don’t trust them! Anyone can send such emails to fool you and take away your personal details.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

HOW TO LOCK A FOLDER . . . .!!!!!!

You can apply permission to a folder so that no one can access it using the CACLS command.Suppose your PC has a folder named "info" on your desktop and you want to lock it then :-

  • Open the command prompt
  • Then you have to specify the path where the folder is placed on your computer.If it is on the desktop then type cd desktop, If it is d drive then type cd d:
  • After giving the path enter the command to lock it,which is cacls "name of the folder" /e /p everyone:n 
  • So to lock the folder named "info" the command is like this cacls info /e /p everyone:n
  • Then exit the command prompt.
cacls-Change access control list
f-full control

Now if you try to open that folder,you will get an error message saying ACCESS DENIED.Not just that you cannot even rename,copy,cut,move or do anything with that folder.Go to it's properties and will show you 0 bytes.

Now to unlock the folder the procedure is same.First give the path of the folder and enter the same command, just type f in place of n and then you will have full control over the folder.

  • cd desktop
  • cacls info /e /p everyone:f

* This trick works only for PC's having NTFS file format system.To see your drive format:-
  • Go to start==> Run ==> Type diskmgmt.msc

Friday, January 21, 2011


We can have a look at a website home page of the past using google archives.

  • Go to and type
  • Then click on the link
  • Then type of the name of the website whose home page you want to see.
  • Then click on Take Me Back


You can change google logo by your name by this trick.

  • Enter your name and see what happens


You can change your computers MAC address to anything you want by this trick.

  • To see your computer's MAC address, go to the command prompt and type getmac or type ipconfig /all .
  • Now to change it go to start = => Run = => type ncpa.cpl
  • Right click on the Local area connection and go to it's properties.
  • Then in the general tab click on configure.
  • Then go the advanced tab, go to network address and click on value.
  • Then enter any valid or invalid MAC address of your choice on click on OK

  • Now you can see the changed MAC address by command prompt.


This is a very good way to change your computer's login password without knowing the older one.

  • Go to start= => Run= => Type cmd
  • Then type net user administrator * and press enter.
  • It will ask you to enter the new password and nothing will appear on your screen.
  • If you have changed the name of your computer's admin as your name or anything then type that name in place of administrator in the command


Here are some cool google tricks.......!!!!!!!!!!

                       ADVANCE SEARCH
If you want to download pdf's, ppt's, php. etc files then you can use this advance searching technique to download them directly in no time without much searching.

  • Just go to
  • Type filetype:ppt "hacking"                                                              
This will refine your search and google will give you all the direct downloadable links related to the word you type in between the double coutes,thus you can save your time to search for ppt's on diffrent websites.Similarly pdf's, php's, xls's etc. types of files can be downloaded easily and in less time.

                  FOOT PRINTING

If you want  the info of a website, then you can use  FOOT PRINTING                

  • Go to google and type whoislookup
  • Then click on the link
  • Then enter the name of the website of which you want to gather the info and click on lookup

It will give you all the information of the website. . . . .!!!!!!!!


This post will show how to hack an email account password.

Well this can be done by using a software named KEYLOGGER.
A keylogger is a software that captures the strokes of the keys you press from your keyboard.Once installed in a computer, a keylogger records all the strokes of the keys you press from your keyboard including your chats,passwords,pin no's or everything you type from your keyboard and saves it in a file.This is a simple way to hack your friends passwords easily.You just need to install a keylogger in your PC and ask your friends to login to their accounts and after that you can see their passwords by opening the keylogger file.There are a lot of keyloggers available on the internet.Some of them are golden keylogger, actual-spy keylogger, home keylogger, perfect keylogger, invisible keylogger, stealth keylogger etc.You can find them easily on There are some special features in some keyloggers also.Some of them captures the screenshots and some can even record the strokes of the on screen keyboard. ex-Home Keylogger. A keylogger is a spyware program and most of the times your antivirus will detect it and will not let you install it on your PC. Golden keylogger is not detected by most antiviruses.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Here is a simple trick by which you can hide a folder in your PC:-

Suppose you have folder named "info" on your desktop and you want to make it invisible to everyone. For that follow the steps mentioned below.

  •  Right click on that folder and click on the "rename" option.
  •  Then press backspace and clear its name.
  •  Then press Alt+0160 (hold the ALT key and type 0160)
  •  This is an ASCII code and can be entered only from the NUM         pad situated on the right hand side of your keyboard.
  •  If you are using a laptop then use either on screen keyboard.
  •  Then leave Alt and press ENTER.
  •  Now you have created a folder without a name but  its icon is    still visible.
  •  So to hide it's icon right click on that folder and go to its properties.
  •  Then click on the customize tab and go to ChangeIcon.
  •  There is an empty space between the folders which is a transparent icon.
  •  Select that Icon and apply the settings and click OK.
  •  Here you go...!!!! the folder is invisible in to everyone.
  •  If you want to make it visible again then use the refresh option.The invisible folder will blink once and you can make it visible again by renaming it and giving it an icon.
  •  You can also make it visible by pressing Ctrl +A.It will be highlighted a little and its position can be easily located then.


Most of you might have seen that you are not able to open facebook ,orkut etc at your schools/colleges internet labs.that is because the computer administrator has blocked are some simple tricks to unblock them:-


These are the two proxy websites that changes your network's IP adress .When you will open any of these two,you will see a  url bar just like your browser.Type the name of that website which you want to open and it will be opened without any problem. For ex-"" it will be opened easily and you can access to fb then.


However if your network is smart enough that he has also blocked the proxy servers then you can also use this trick to open facebook.just follow the following steps:-

  •  Go to
  •  On the top you will see a "more" option,click on it and then click on translate.
  •  Then in the translate box type (English to english)
  •  After a few seconds you will see a link to facebook on the right hand side of the box.

  •  Click on that link and you will be redirected to facebook.